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Shenzhen will hand out 500 million yuan consumption coupons through Meituan and platforms.

uSMART盈立智投 04-27 16:45

According to the Shenzhen Municipal Bureau of Commerce on April 27th, in order to continue to expand domestic demand, promote consumption, encourage people to stay deep during the holidays, and do a good job in epidemic prevention and control and economic and social development, recently, Shenzhen will launch another important measure to benefit the people and enterprises-- it will issue 500 million yuan of consumption vouchers to Shenzhen consumers through Meituan and platforms. Better meet the shopping, food, tourism and other consumer needs of citizens to stay in the festival, while doing a good job in the prevention and control of the epidemic, promote the orderly recovery of all kinds of consumption, and create a safe, happy and peaceful atmosphere to stay in the festival.