

    What is “Sell-High”?

    What is “Sell-High”?

    Investors set a specific selling price and the system will place an order automatically after the price is reached. The difference with “Take-Profit” smart order is that “Sell-High” order sets a specific price to sell rather than a ratio. These two types of orders are set to lock in profit

    “Sell-High” smart order currently supports US stock pre-market and after-hours trading.



    When you believe that your stock holdings have upside potential, and hope to lock in profits after reaching a certain increase. You may set the conditions through “Smart Order” - “Sell-High” to sell a stock based on the target price.


    Let's look at the steps:


    STEP 1 Select stock

    Enter the stock for “Take-Profit”, generally choose your stock holdings with profit.


    STEP 2 Set a conditional point

    Enter the trigger price, generally your expected high price.


    Fill in the appropriate target price based on your analysis of a stock. When the stock price rises to a specified price, the sell order will be triggered.


    *The price gap should not be too small as the transaction costs needed to be considered and a profitable value should be set.

    STEP 3 Set the condition 

    Set the Price and Quantity


    STEP 4 Select effective time and place order

    For the valid date, same day/ 2 days/ 3 days/ 1 week/ 2 weeks/ 30 days/ 60 days/ 90 days are available, and can be extended by changing the order.

    Click unlock to trade and submit order. The submitted order can be viewed under the smart order page, and the order can be modified as needed.

    *You are not allowed to modify if the “Sell-High” order has been triggered, but you may cancel the order and place another order again.



    Order time


    Order valid date

    Same day/ 2 days/ 3 days/ 1 week/ 2 weeks/ 30 days/ 60 days/ 90 days are available, and can be extended by changing the order.


    - 条件单一经触发,客户预先设定的买卖指令即会作为有效指令送至交易所。客户作为指令发出人,需自行承担所有与指令有关的全部责任。盈立证券有限公司 (「盈立证券」)不会就任何由此直接或间接产生的损害或赔偿或损失利润对客户承担任何责任。
    - 当股票价格/指数水平触及客户预先设定的触发条件时,条件单将有机会因客户当时账户内的持仓、资金、购买力及/或融资额度等未能符合要求,而令系统无法将预先设定的买卖指令,送至交易所内执行。盈立证券一概不会负责或保证客户预先设定的买卖指令一定可以被送到交易所内执行。因此,在设定条件单前,客户应确认触发的股票价格/指数水平,也应确认账户内的持仓、资金、购买力及/或融资额度是否已符合相关要求,以避免触发后,因未能符合要求而无法将买卖指令送到交易所内执行。
    - 当设定条件单时,客户同时须要注意设定的触发价格或委托价,可能因盈立证券内部风险管理、不同种类的买卖盘机制或距离市场实时价位的限制等因素,出现盈立证券无法接受有关条件单或买卖指令无法送到交易所内执行的情况。所以,客户设定条件单前,应先确认条件单当中所有详情为正确及了解市场实时的状况及股票的波动。
    - 条件单是依据基本的市场规则和运作而制定。因此,客户在设定条件单前,应先清楚了解条件单内的功能、特性、操作重点和相关风险。因条件单使用方法较一般买卖指令复杂,建议客户先清楚了解条件单的功能和运作后,才决定应否设定条件单及如何设定条件单。客户须自行承担设定条件单后的所有风险及因设定条件单而引致的任何直接或间接损失,包括但不限于不了解执行逻辑、大量买入股数的控制变量、错误输入触发价格或委托价或其他个人操作失误。客户应谨慎操作,避免承担损失。
    - 在使用条件单的过程中,可能因系统故障、网络问题或其他盈立证券无法合理控制的原因,导致条件单功能可能会出现误差或延迟,包括但不限于条件单未准确触发、误触发、到价未触发和到期限未触发等情况。盈立证券不负责任何因上述问题而导致的任何直接或间接损失。
    - 由于电子化交易的特点,因此,客户确认明白使用条件单成功执行的买卖指令有时候会与客户预先设定的买卖指令不一致。最后成交结果以交易所的交易结果为准,客户须自行承担相关后果和责任。
    - 如果因为互联网或移动电话网络之通讯系统,出现故障、机房或服务器遭到破坏或负载过重,或受到网络黑客、病毒的攻击、入侵等原因,导致买卖交易出现延迟、停顿、中断、误差或系统接收出现错误信息,令条件单不能触发全部或部分的条件,由此产生的直接或间接的损失,盈立证券皆不会承担任何责任。